Deodorant Stick
Rose & Vanilla
Sweet Rose Bouquet
A lot of natural deodorants say they’re the best. We’ll let the experts say it for us.
2020 Schmidt's Award Wins
Allure Best of Beauty Award, Best Clean Deodorant, Hemp Seed Oil & Rose (Opens in a new window)
AskMen Grooming Award, Sandalwood & Citrus
Cosmopolitan Beauty Award, Best Natural Deodorant, Hemp Seed Oil & Rose (Opens in a new window)
Essence Best in Black Beauty Award, Best Natural Deodorant, Hemp Seed Oil & Sage (Opens in a new window)
GQ Grooming Award, Best Natural Deodorant, Sandalwood & Citrus (Opens in a new window)
Parents Beauty Award, Best Deodorant, Rose & Vanilla (Opens in a new window)
Parents Green Award, Best Deodorant, Here & Now (Opens in a new window)
People En Español Star Award, Hemp Seed Oil & Rose (Opens in a new window)
Prevention Beauty Award, Natural Game Changer, Lavender & Sage (Opens in a new window)
SELF Healthy Beauty Award, Best Deodorant, Hemp Seed Oil & Rose (Opens in a new window)